I don't know why there is this weird color change on the bottom third of each spread, but the individual page jpgs dont have that. and also, this isnt the order i want for the book, it's such a bitch to rearrange images on this thing.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
are we still meeting at 2:00 tomorrow? and if so where did we decide?
Sunday, February 22, 2009
just to clear things up, we're sending in for the mockup at week 9 right? meaning 2 more class meetings for tweaking spreads?
have spreads scanned in image of trace determine type placement
week 7: refinement of spreads have written text for intro and content pages
week 8: refine
week 9: print and send for mock up
week 10: wait
week 11: get book back, make changes if needed, order final
week 12: presentation
Monday, February 9, 2009
due to the weather this weekend i wasn't able to roam sunset like i planned. but i worked on my spreads and worked with whatever pictures i had, although it's obvious i need more. so one last quick trip to sunset and i'll be set. i took some screen shots of the spreads i have and i'll bring in the rest on wednesday.
i hope the rain stops sometime this weekend so i can make one more trip to sunset for more pictures.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
picturessss of the motels i went to. nothing so insightful. i asked one of the receptionists if he could describe in one word what it was like to work at this motel what would it be and he said "fabulous". And i got another good shot of this dog sitting at the receptionist window with no body seeming to be around.
Monday, February 2, 2009
hey guys. i went to sunset with christian yesterday and went to a bunch of motels and hotels with no luck on being able to shoot the receptionists with the exception of one awesome guy. So i dropped the idea of that and started thinking of what else I could focus on. hallways, interior, etc. got a few shots but nothing so inspiring. I'll post a few shots tomorrow night after class.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
alright so here's what i'm going to do by next week:
go to sunset and try to go to at least 5 different motels/hotels, scope out lobbies, receptionists, maybe rooms if i am able to. printed rough layout of spread and i think after i go to the motels my thesis will have some solidity to it so i'll get back to you guys on that.
hey guys, sorry for the late post. went to sunset on sunday during the day this time and took pictures of hotels and just some random shots that could be used in a different part of the book if anyone wants it. i have more pictures i'll show during class. see you guys in a bit!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
hey guys. i'm planning on going to sunset tomorrow and taking pictures of the motels. I also still want to do visual energy, but besides bouncing lights or whatever, what else could i capture? peoples expressions? sound somehow? any ideas? thanks.